Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Structured assignment 3 about two things that you have to bring everywhereyou go

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hello everybody.
My name is Anisa Ubadriah.
Before i thank you want to read this blog me.
In this blog, i will tell you about two items i should take everywhere i go. Actually, only one item of course i take usually and it's compulsory.
But,cause my lecturer is said to be two items that should be taken everywhere i go, yeah i have to follow the rules. Well readers, immediately me to the theme. Item first i should take when go namely handphone. Why handphone? Yeah cause it means of communication that it easy to be taken anywhere.
According to me, must people would the first thing needed it handphone. Even children have many who use handphone or rather gadget. A gadget it's important to me, because it is the purposes me.
A gadget it can be used by the time for example, we are being on campus, automatic we can find the materials or at ask in direct lecturer to us.
In addition to searching, a gadget also serves as the entertainment in which there are music, games, and the video.
Then the items into two i need to take the wallet.
Why wallet? Yeah, cause my wallet was where we save money.
In addition to the function wallet filled with money, my wallet also serves to keep STNK, a SIM, photo KTM, and others.
And it must be in bring everywhere i go well readers, i guess enough that's all i could tell me.
Thank you already want to stop by reading this blog me.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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